News & Interviews
An Interview with Tony Whitfield Hosted by Anna Sullivant, A & R Director.
On the 6th Anniversary of 911, Tony visits CNN in Atlanta, 9-1-07 to promote his N.Y. Hustle Tribute/Song
Tony promotes 911 CD Tribute at ’70’s Costume Party at Art on 5 Gallery, Atlanta, Ga 9-1-07
Article – Tony Whitfield
Pleasure Sensitive 2 by Denis Poole
December 29, 2005 – A noted writer from Switzerland, Denis Poole wrote a great article on Artist, Tony Whitfield.
Soul music is the soundtrack to my life so when I heard that ‘Pleasure Sensitive 2’, the new CD from bass player Tony Whitfield, features not one but two versions of the Van McCoy classic ‘The Hustle’ I wanted to review it for that reason alone. It’s a tune that for me evokes many memories but in checking it out I found that ‘Pleasure Sensitive 2’ is anything but a one trick pony. In fact it’s an excellent collection of edgy smooth jazz and fusion played by a collective of top notch musicians and notable guests. … read the rest.
Awarded #2 In 2005 Smoothies
Tony Whitfield’s Pleasure Sensitive 2 was voted #2 in’s (site no longer available) First Annual Smoothie Award (2005) Winners Top 10 Indies List.
The world’s #1 on-line jazz destination is broadcasting on the Internet live from the Monterey Peninsula in Northern California.’s HQ is in a 19th Century Victorian, well over 100 years old and is located near downtown Pacific Grove just a few hundred yards from the Monterey Bay.
Cancun Trip
Tony’s Cancun, Mexico, 93.1 FM Mucho Ritmo – Radio Interview June 24, 2005
Tony arrives for the radio interview.
Tony’s Interviewed on the Greg Pappas Show with U.S. Pal, Jesse Davis looking on.
Tony gives a thumbs up for a warm radio welcome by DJ Greg Pappas.
Featured Artist
On September 7, 2004, at 12 am, The Gregg Hunter Show featured recording artist Tony Whitfield with over 250 stations: Cable Radio Network, Inc., 10487 Sunland Blvd., Sunland, CA 91040
On September 13, 2004 at 3:00 am, The Joe Mazza Show featured recording artist Tony Whitfield with over 160 stations: The Joe Mazza Show, 405 Waltham Street, Suite #271, Lexington, MA
Tony Whitfield By Design
“Tony Whitfield By Design” the new album featuring Tony Whitfield and an astounding lineup of guest stars from the world of jazz.
Coming to you first on
The new single off the upcoming “Tony Whitfield By Design” album will be the hottest block buster of the year… check back for more details.
Good Bye to CBS
OASA Records remains stable and strong. After a recent CBS approach to OASA Records for possible distribution of current CD “Pleasure Sensitive” at this time OASA Records has decided that it is more advantageous to maintain it’s present status.